A 2 month vacation for Nina, Howard, Michael, Benjamin and Daniel Barsky (Marea not yet born)... towing an Airstream Trailer, eastward across the United States, north into Canada, then westward all the way to the west coast of Canada, then south down the US western coast back to Los Angeles. June 30, to September 3, 1969. 64 days, 12,220 miles.

Rockies, Wyoming. Altitude 11,000 ft

DAY 38

Wednesday, 8/6/69

Rory drove with us in a terrific thunderstorm until Winnipeg, Manitoba. We parted...took each others’ addresses and will see him later in Vancouver, B.C. The minute we crossed the border the terrain changed to flat prairie land...fewer lakes. Winnipeg looks like a lovely old city...big shopping areas. We called Aunt Marge and got a snack...poured again.

Well, here's the whole trip so far.. LA to Winnipeg
(click on map)

On to Norquay Beach Provincial Park. (just NW of Winnipeg). Nice site and HOT SHOWERS! Met a nice American couple – David and Marilyn, who are now living in Newfoundland. Hot coffee with us and we talked until late at night. They may move to San Diego...a fired philosophy professor from Akron, Ohio.

8/6/69, Norquay Beach Provincial Park, Manitoba, Canada