A 2 month vacation for Nina, Howard, Michael, Benjamin and Daniel Barsky (Marea not yet born)... towing an Airstream Trailer, eastward across the United States, north into Canada, then westward all the way to the west coast of Canada, then south down the US western coast back to Los Angeles. June 30, to September 3, 1969. 64 days, 12,220 miles.

Rockies, Wyoming. Altitude 11,000 ft

DAY 37

Tuesday, 8/5/69

Drove back into Fort Williams to food shop, do laundry. Picked up hitchhiker, Rory, nice chap originally from Ireland and last eleven years from Canada. A free soul, seaman. We passed so many lakes and through lumbering country (ugh). Decided not to drive as far and drove into Aaron Provincial Park.

Really empty. All of us went in lake swimming. All had whole lake to ourselves. So refreshing! Danny and I picked wild strawberries and red raspberries for dinner.

Rory and Howard got fire started. We BBQ’d steaks. He’s a vegetarian so big salad, etc. Played with kids, sang around campfire. Kids bed and we all talked around fire until late.

This is our trek through Canada, so far
(click on map)

8/5/69, Aaron Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada