Howard and M. went fishing early. I stayed in bed and read. B. slept until 8:40 a.m.! D. up early and made friends after breakfast, and we left for a ride all along the North side of Lake Superior. Really a scenic part. Many forests, covered islands, big and small. Very impressed. Weather cloudy and rain drops in places. Stopped for mid-a.m. coffee and drove on to another park where we 1) used their waste disposal system; 2) filled trailer with water; 3) all went in Lake for a swim.

Cold but so invigorating! 4) ate lunch there and left. Drove past Port Arthur and Fort Williams. Huge granaries...all grains brought there for Great Lakes shipping. Saw some beautiful flower and vegetable gardens in yards. Some people go all out for the few sunny months. Met our hitchhiker friend, Jay, from yesterday. Gave him a little ride...until we came to Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park where we camped.

Park crowded so we had to take an average site...not too many trees. Began to rain. Late dinner and bed early.
8/4/69, Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada