Drove all along Lake Huron...really North Bay, Lake Nipissing through Sudbury. All rock and desolate, a copper mining town and smoke has killed all vegetation. Really a shock after the beautiful forests. Lunch in wayside rest. Picked a few berries. Followed on North side of North Channel to Sault Ste. Marie. So many little islands, forests, provincial parks and beauty.

Watched two lake firefighters go through the Soo Lock.
Is very old and really fascinating. Came just at right time.

Had dinner then drove on until we came to one of the Lake Superior Provincial Park – Crescent Lake. Got a site right near the lake...a gem again.

Lit fire, roasted marshmallows. Day clear and sunny so added to its success! Drove 400 miles – ugh!
8/3/69, Crescent Lake, Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada