Left Bill and Shirley by 9:30 a.m. They were very nice to us and made feel right at home. Headed East from Chicago.

More smog and smoke and absolutely
unbearable through Gary, Indiana.
Talk about air

Closed all our car windows and had to put on air conditioner. U.S. Steel here bellowing tons of smoke into the air.
On Indiana tollway...a beautiful ride through towns and countryside and one hour later entered Michigan. We drove to a Sheriff’s station to orient ourselves to location of Three Rivers and home of Joe and Rose Rubins. Had their old address and decided to find them. In Three Rivers drove to Clear Lake Road (old address). Howard found a woman in a home...asked her if she knew where the Rubins lived (turned out to be old and close friend of theirs!). She directed us to house on Route #3. Found home...looked in windows and recognized many of their belongings. All very excited. No one home but dog (Whiskers) and cat (Tiger). Boys and I waited at their home while Howard went back to this woman (Mary Haven)...asked where Rubins might be (at Apple Orchard Farm). Howard drove there and came back with Rose. Joe drove his car back

We all couldn’t believe that we were at their home, overlooking a calm beautiful lake, among dogwood and maple and other trees and talking! Terri and Susan just left that day for camp, and sorry we missed them.

Boys found a million things to do. We talked and talked...even went for a ride in the evening on a neighbor’s pontoon boat around the lake. Rubins’ house all knotty pine inside and full of charm. Very relaxed and Rose much improved.

7/13/69, Three Rivers, Michigan (Rubins’)