Saturday, 7/12/69
Got all washing done. Met some of Shirley’s friends. Afternoon, Howard, boys and Bill to swimming pool. Shirley and I got food shopping done. First time she was able to drive since being sick and still tired in the store.
Evening with them to restaurant for their cousin’s club. All a bunch of fun and good times. Some came back to see the trailer. All of us Pooped!
7/12/69, Skokie, Illinois
A 2 month vacation for Nina, Howard, Michael, Benjamin and Daniel Barsky (Marea not yet born)... towing an Airstream Trailer, eastward across the United States, north into Canada, then westward all the way to the west coast of Canada, then south down the US western coast back to Los Angeles. June 30, to September 3, 1969. 64 days, 12,220 miles.

Rockies, Wyoming. Altitude 11,000 ft