A 2 month vacation for Nina, Howard, Michael, Benjamin and Daniel Barsky (Marea not yet born)... towing an Airstream Trailer, eastward across the United States, north into Canada, then westward all the way to the west coast of Canada, then south down the US western coast back to Los Angeles. June 30, to September 3, 1969. 64 days, 12,220 miles.

Rockies, Wyoming. Altitude 11,000 ft

DAY 15

Monday, 7/14/69

Up bright and early. Regretfully, Joe had to go to work. We ate breakfast on their sun porch overlooking the lake. Overwhelmed! Howard took the boys on rowboat for a day of fishing and swimming, while Rose, her friend Joy (from apple orchard), and I drove into Kalamazoo. Walked around. Nice town. Central Mall. Ate lunch at department store. Wrote some post cards and generally a “woman’s” day. Back by 4:00 p.m. o hot and humid, got immediately into bathing suit and joined Howard and the boys in the lake. Nice and clean and warm and wonderful swimming. Joe home early to join us, then all over to the “farm” to see their sheep, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and meet some of their close friends. Joy and her new husband (three weeks), Robb, over for swim and coffee.

Such a nice stay here and boys had a great time all day. Caught 32 small lake perch, but threw them all in as were caught. Lake so beautiful to watch as sunset approached and then darkness.

Peace overwhelmed all of us and absolute beauty. Goodnight!

7/14/69, Three Rivers, Michigan (Rubins’)