Up and out early and drove into park. Got site surrounded by pine and manzanita.
Went to museum where we saw a film and learned about volcanic activities of this area and the lives of the local Indians. Then went to little area where a naturalist showed us artifacts of the Indians, how they wove, what they ate, etc. Very good. We walked to the store. Howard got me a small turquoise bracelet to go with my other two, for my birthday. Howard and boys rented a boat – $3 for half a day! Think that’s very reasonable. After lunch they split.
I made three more cups of blackberry jam and spaghetti sauce, and got in bathing suit and read outside. The brave chipmunks scurried all around me looking for a handout. Pine, whistling in the slight breeze and sounds so good! When it got cooler I dressed and walked along the lake until I saw Howard and the kids. They’d just rowed in from fishing and had a good time. All got chance to row and were full of enthusiasm and vitality. Barbecued our own meat. Ate outside and Howard made huge fire.
Bathed kids. Really filthy from all the loose dust. M. decided to sleep outside, so we set the cot up near the fire. He looked so happy and cuddly. We all talked by the fire. Had coffee. M to sleep and we invited couple from next site to sit by our fire. Warmer night than at Crater.
8/28/69, Lassen National Park, Manzanita Campground #B-34