Went on 9:30 a.m. hike to Garfield Peak with Ranger. He walked very fast and had us all breathing hard! Able to view the Lake from higher up – each view little different and subtle. Talked about all the plant life in this area; the 50 inches of snow and 19 inches of rain. All very interesting. Mike turned back early in the hike because he felt too tired. We still went on. B. and D. held on real well. This morning a black bear came into campsite, so far from up, broke open a Styrofoam ice chest and tarpaulin from little carry-all trailer. Took what he wanted; all the while the camper stared on in disbelief! Then he moseyed up a tree and rangers trying to tempt him down and into a bear catcher they set for him. After our hike we looked for him, but he outsmarted all and split! After lunch we left Crater Lake; drove through mountains and open fields to Klamath Falls (town). Got gas and saw a mileage chart they had that L.A. only 694 miles (too close!). Continued across California border to town of Tule Lake

(we could see rows of buildings – we think – where the Japanese-Americans were “kept” during World War II).
On to Lassen National Park. All sites full so we had salmon dinner by Manzanita Lake,

then headed back two miles to overflow camp off road. Very dusty but adequate for the night.
8/27/69, Outside Lassen National Park, California