Steady rain and we decided to leave our “treasured” spot. Drove to the Indian Reservation around La Push. Full of campers and fishing boats but homes and area generally in a poor state. Drove over to Third Beach and since only drizzle we took the 0.9 mile hike down to the ocean. Seemed like much longer hike and absolutely marvelous path. Wood plants and mud all the way.

Could hear the constant warning of the foghorn. Beach came upon us as we turned in the forest path and is beauty. Strewn with tremendous amount of driftwood. Boys tried to dam up a small creek that was ending its journey at the sea, while Howard and I hunted for prize pieces of wood. We found an ax.
Howard made a fire and we all posed for a picture when it started to pour. Ran for the protection of the forest and started our trek back. Really pooped! One hell of a hike. Howard crapped out on the bed while I made lunch. Later drove down to Olympic National Park at Hoh Valley and the home of the rainforest. Many trees covered with moss. Found spot. I slept for 1-1/2 hours. Boys played hide and seek. Got very wet. Little walk after dinner and bed early.
8/20/69, Hoh Valley, Olympic National Park, Washington