Friday, 8/15/69
Michael's Birthday
Left campground by 7:30 a.m. and drove to Scotch Creek. Had breakfast, then Howard and boys fished while I took shower and washed hair in trailer. We could see the red sockeye salmon in the creek, but none gave the fellows a nibble and very frustrating to all.

Later, we drove on to Kamloops.
We food-shopped and finally seeing big enough selection and good produce! Also did laundry and had lunch at 3:00 p.m., then drove through marvelous and varied hills and villages to Vancouver. Stopped at beautiful little lake to make and eat dinner. Our Michael is 11 today! Gave him a candy bar and fancy cupcakes with candles on them, with ice cream for dinner dessert! Time goes by so quickly. Got into Vancouver at 10:15 p.m. Boys all sleeping in car. Found nice city park and here we are!
8/15/69, Vancouver, B.C., City Park