Drove into City of Vancouver (downtown) and to Stanley Park. Found level space for trailer; parked it and drove a few blocks to see a parade. Boys enjoyed it. Then walked to the Hudson Bay Company to buy a few gifts. Very crowded and we left in a hurry. So many interesting people walking around. Saw the place Toby and I had stayed at 17 years ago – the Ailsa Lodge. Near Hotel Vancouver and now seems lost with all the big tall office buildings encroaching on it.

Boys played at playground while
Howard and I slept in sun near trailer.
Howard and I slept in sun near trailer.
Then took them to icy pool right on beach. Too cold so drove to other side of park and to second beach. Warm sand and all did their “own thing” for 1-1/2 hours.

(we also drove to Totem Park and Capilano Bridge State Park )

The town is so beautiful next to the waterfront and surrounded by hills and forests.
And, of course, this park is dream: free zoo, lagoons, trails, bike paths, hills, picnic areas. New delights at every turn. Ate dinner in trailer, walked through zoo, then drove through parts of town. Many smaller parks and beaches. Danny fell asleep in car. We all to drive-in for a snack, then back to our “camping parking lot.”
Turned out our lights and opened curtains to enjoy “front row” view of the city.
8/16/69, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.