Up bright and early...packed up and left these marvelous Grand Tetons. 8:15 a.m. – clear, bright, summer mountain day. Drove East through Wyoming, stopping in Cody to see the Buffalo Bill Museum.

We didn’t go in because of admission, but all art and artifacts of the West. Howard bought me a beautiful pair of silver and turquoise earrings.
We Left and proceeded on Alternate 14 Highway for a harrowing mountain four-hour drive up to 10,000 feet. Started up steep and hairpin curves...came to road construction...unable to pull trailer up steep incline...gravel road and luckily one of the construction men rigged his pickup to our car and pulled up through...winding road. I was scared most of the time, as higher up saw snow on the ground, high meadows. Went through clouds, through rain, sun, etc.

Finally made it through and came out into Sheridan.
Parked on a side street to make dinner and happened to be across the street from a beautiful Sheridan Inn. It’s being restored. Built in 1889 and almost demolished until a New York couple bought it.

The restoration is beautiful. Wicker furniture on a huge front veranda. Met the manager and he took us into the lobby. We flipped! He said Buffalo Bill used to stay there and audition his acts for the Wild West shows in front of the Inn. I have a brochure on its history.
Got into a terrific summer thunder and lightning shower. So hard we had to park and wait it out a while. When it let up, drove on to Buffalo, Wyoming. There they had a free city park where campers able to stay, and we exhaustedly camped for the night! , free camping allowed.
7/6/69: Buffalo, Wyoming, City Park