Up and out on road by 7:10 am, headed up Idaho to town of Pocatello… lovely old homes, green grass, gardens and beautiful farm country.
Craters of the Moon State Park..
(Lava formations)
(Lava formations)
Stopped below Idaho Falls at a lava formation.. cave and good climbing for the boys.
Lava is still not broken down… young, 1000 years!! On through Idaho Falls and the beautiful

Grand Tetons such an awe-inspiring sight! Much snow on it’s peaks.
Jackson Hole such a “big tourist city” since I was last here (at 17). Very crowded, so we just rushed into the Teton campgrounds and were lucky to one of the very few remaining sites at Colter Bay.. right in the heart of the forest.

Wind whistles through the trees and is such a soothing sound. Cottonwood and pine trees abound.. thinner and shorter than our redwoods, but much more dense.. hence each campsite is a little more remote. It got cool in the evening and we went to campfire. It started at 9:30 pm, but still light out. By then we were all so tired we only stayed 15 minutes.. went to a coffee shop for hot chocolate. Architecture in village just beautiful.. redwoods and other woods left in natural state and much natural planting around each building.
7/3 Overnight in Colter Bay campground.