Boys played in this lovely park in a.m. while Howard went to station for car grease and oil

Left Sioux Falls...down Interstate 29 to Sioux City, Iowa. Picked up two boys hitchhiking and stayed with us for lunch at a rest station (big trees, good rest rooms) until we got on Interstate 80-E. They were going West go Denver, so we parted. We continued straight on 80 through Iowa. Farms beautiful although signs of flooded areas on both sides of freeway. Asked an official of a roadside rest area and he said they just had two weeks of very heavy rains...many farms flooded...damaged and much loss of crops. Some cities like Waterloo and Cedar Rapids partly or already under water. Visited the German settlement of Amana.

All closed but the seven different villages. Very lovely, green, flowers and gardens, many shops, farms and big freezer plant of Amana. They run 25,000 acres.

Nina writing
this Journal

Found nice rest area near the Colonies and bathed and slept!
7/9/ Rest Area near Amana Colonies, Iowa