Thursday, 7/24/69
Howard had car fixed at Jerry’s station. After lunch Mark went with us into New York City. Went on subway, bus, Museum of Modern Art (we had snack in sculpture garden). Very beautiful and small. Apartment buildings and all around it. Then on to Empire State Building. Long line. Mike made some paper airplanes and flew them over the city. Three went very beautifully and glided for 10 minutes or more. Very beat when we finally got out of the building. Took subway home...standing...crowded...rush hour. After dinner Stella invited Sylvia and Hal Hamburger and Neal and Susan over for coffee. We got in a heated discussion re race and U.S. economics and Viet Nam least was stimulating! Also Sylvia’s sister over. Bed late.
7/24/69, Queens, New York, Gluckins.
A 2 month vacation for Nina, Howard, Michael, Benjamin and Daniel Barsky (Marea not yet born)... towing an Airstream Trailer, eastward across the United States, north into Canada, then westward all the way to the west coast of Canada, then south down the US western coast back to Los Angeles. June 30, to September 3, 1969. 64 days, 12,220 miles.

Rockies, Wyoming. Altitude 11,000 ft