Thursday, 7/17/69
Rain but still hot. Drove down Ohio (Interstate 75) to Jackson Center and Airstream plant. Met Jack Oakley...gave boys and me his car to go to swimming pool while Howard and he talked and Howard did a few repairs on the trailer. Pool great...Mike jumped off (continuously) high diving board. Benji much better with swimming, and Danny and I played in shallow end. Later followed Jack over to his Dad’s farm where Jack also has an Airstream parked. Had dinner with them.
His wife, Sandy, fried fish from Canada and just great...nice girl. Have four kids. Talked to his Dad a lot about farming. Kids ran around. Mike, Jack and Howard target shot. Benji got stung on bottom of his foot by a honeybee. Nice evening. STILL HOT!
7/17/69, Jackson Center, Ohio, at the Oakley Farm